
the 1st homicide commited by 'us'

and the half-eaten carrot..

A dead kelinci aka arnab on d table..
It was "us" who killed it..
I was suggesting to name d rabbit by the name- optimus prime..

We were experimenting the local and general anesthetic to d rabbit..
the local procedure went well..(since we jz apply on it's eye) but it went wrong for d 2nd procedure..

1 minute 'he' was doing just fine bt with our failure in doing the general anesthetic procedure, he died..
at first i felt ok about it but after i saw one of my team mate shed a tear, i cant stand bt to do jz d same..

like my fren said "My first patient is DEAD"...


Lagu ni dah 2-3 ari bermain2 dlm kpala..terobses kot ngn lagu ni..he3..the meanings are so significant...


ku tutup mataku
dari semua pandanganku

bila melihat matamu
ku yakin ada cinta
ketulusan hati yang mengulir lembut

penguasa alam tolonglah pegangi aku
biar ku tak jatuh pada sumur dosa
yang terkutuk dan menyesatkan cintaku

andaikan ku bisa lebih adil
pada cinta kau dan dia
aku bukan nabi yang bisa sempurna
ku tak luput dari dosa

biarlah ku hidup seperti ini
takdir cinta harus begini
ada kau dan dia bukan ku yang mau
oh Tuhan tuntunlah hatiku

penguasa alam tolonglah pegangi aku
biar ku tak jatuh pada sumur dosa
yang terkutuk dan menyesatkan cintaku


The will of Allah (SWT) will not bring us to a place where the grace of Allah (SWT) will not protect us!
Locks are never manufactured without a key. Similar Allah (SWT) never gives you problems without solutions. Only we need to unlock them. They don't come together.
Every problem carries wonderful opportunities. So never run away from problems. Instead face them boldly with patience and problems will be no more.

Remember ...
Smooth roads never make a skillful driver.
Smooth sea never makes a skillful sailor.
Clear sky never makes a skillful pilot.
Problems free life never makes a skillful person.
Hence, get going tough ...

If you think you are unhappy, look at them?

If you think your job is tough, how about him?

If you think your salary is low, how about her?

If you think you don't have many friends, ask yourself if you have one sincere friend?

If you think study is a burden, how about her?

When you feel like giving up, think of this man!

If you think you suffer in life, do you suffer as much as he does?

If you complain about your transport system, how about them?

If your society is unfair to you, how about her?

Be thankful of what you have and stop complaining. Allah (SWT) has b
een generous towards you, Thank Allah (SWT) in return.
Remember: When you are successful your well wishers know who you are? When you are unsuccessful you know who your well wishers..



upon a bus,
I saw a girl with golden hair.
and wished I was as fair.
When suddenly she rose to leave,
I saw her hobble down the aisle.
She had one leg and wore a crutch.
But as she passed, a smile.
Ya Allah, forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 legs, the world is mine.

I stopped to buy some candy.
The lad who sold it had such charm.
I talked with him,
he seemed so glad.
If I were late,
it'd do no harm.
And as I left, he said to me,
"I thank you, you've been so kind.
It's nice to talk with folks like you.
You see," he said,
"I'm blind."
Ya Allah, forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 eyes, the world is mine.

Later, while walking down the street,
I saw a child with eyes of blue.
He stood and watched the others play.
He did not know what to do.
I stopped a moment and then I said,
"Why don't you join the others, dear?
"He looked ahead without a word;and then I knew, he wouldn't hear.
Ya Allah, forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 ears, the world is mine.
With feet to take me where I'd go.
With eyes to see the sunset's glow.
With ears to hear what I'd know.
Ya Allah, forgive me when I whine.
I've been blessed indeed, the world is mine.


Hampir setahun kita telah meninggalkan ramadhan dan kini ia menjelma kembali.. Allah masih menyayangi kita dgn menghadiahkan sekali lagi ramadhan utk dinikmati.. Ramadhan sebuah bulan yg malamnya lebih hebat dari seribu bulan. Semoga kita dpt mengharungi bulan ini dgn redha dan kasih sygnya..Jadikan latihan kt di bulan syaaban sbg mangkin utk kita melakukan ibadah yg sempurna di bulan mulia ini..

Mungkin pos sy agak diharap ia berguna utk anda semua..



Allahumma laka shumtu wa bika amantu wa ‘alaa rizqika afthartu birahmatika ya arhamarrohimin

“Ya Allah bagi Engkau aku berpuasa dan dengan Engkau beriman aku dengan rezeki Engkau aku berbuka dengan rahmat Engkau wahai yang Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang”

* Lafaz niat dalam tulisan rumi selalunya tidak menepati bahasa arab.