
Setelah Sekian Lama

Sudah lama tak dikemaskini blog ini. Maklumlah ini semester saya yang paling sibuk. Ada 11 subjek yang membawa 23 jam kredit. Jadi banyak yang perlu diulangkaji dan dipelajari. Tambah pula dengan Tugas Akhir (TA; baca Tay A) yang tak siap-siap lagi. Tapi dalam sibuk2 pun sempat lagi sy mengemaskini Facebook.

Minggu ini merupakan "study week" sebelum saya terpaksa mengharungi Ujian Akhir Sem 7 "back 2 back" from 4 Jan sehingga 15 Jan. Apa lagi ini adalah satu2nya masa di mana kopi menjadi peneman berjaga sepanjang malam tapi terasa yang dos kopi yang sy ambil sekarang kurang mencukupi untuk membuatkan sy terus terjaga. Tolerance effect barangkali. Nampaknya terpaksalah sy menambah jumlah kopi yg sy minum.
Apa2 pun, saya berharap untuk yang terbaik pada final kali ini.

Sampai di sini dahulu. Wassalam.

Pemergianmu Tiada Ganti

Pada tanggal 29 Oktober 2009, telah pulangnya ke Rahmatullah seorang kawan, teman dan sahabat yang dikasihi, Laila Mastura Mohd Saaid lebih kurang pada pukul 3.30 petang. Terasa amat hiba hati bila mendapat berita kematiannya. Laila telah didiagnos menghidapi "Chronic Glomerulonephritis" pada bulan Julai yang lalu. Dia tidak pulang ke Indonesia untuk semester ini dan bercadang utk kembali semula pada semester akan datang. Ternyata Allah lebih menyayanginya. Semoga rohnya diletakkan di kalangan orang2 yang beriman. Pergilah Laila, kami pasti akan menyusul nanti..




SEJAK abad ke-13 bahasa Melayu telah lama menjadi bahasa kerajaan-kerajaan Melayu-Islam, bahasa persuratan, bahasa undang-undang, komunikasi dan pengembangan agama Islam di Nusantara.

Bahasa Melayu jugalah yang telah berkembang sejak ratusan tahun sebagai lingua franca perdagangan dan sosial. Ia menjadi medium pengantara yang merentas sempadan etnik dan geografi. Tidak hanya di Tanah Melayu tetapi juga di Nusantara merangkumi kepulauan Melayu/Indonesia.

Kolonialisme Barat iaitu Portugis, Belanda dan Inggeris di Tanah Melayu serta Indonesia sejak abad ke-16 tidak banyak mengubah keadaan dari aspek bahasa dan adab resam masyarakat. Apa lagi agama Islam yang dianuti.

Mahu atau tidak, kuasa-kuasa Barat terpaksa menerima hakikat bahawa bahasa Melayu sebagai identiti orang Melayu tidak mungkin dapat dikikis dengan mudah.

Bahasa inilah yang kemudiannya muncul sebagai bahasa kebangsaan Malaysia selepas kemerdekaan pada 31 Ogos 1957. Ia termaktub kukuh dalam Perlembagaan negara berasaskan kepada sejarah sosiopolitik bahasa Melayu itu sendiri.

Berdasarkan Perlembagaan tersebut, bahasa Melayu tercatat dalam Fasal 152 Perlembagaan dan dalam Akta Bahasa Kebangsaan (1967/68). Ironinya, timbul persoalan sejauhmanakah dasar itu dilaksanakan secara telus terutama oleh sektor awam dan swasta.

Dalam dekad pertama kemerdekaan tanah air, muncul gerakan oleh pengarang-pengarang, pencinta dan pejuang-pejuang nasionalis Melayu tentang pentingnya peruntukan dalam Fasal 152 Perlembagaan 1957.

Ini kerana dalam tempoh itu, bahasa Inggeris masih kekal sebagai bahasa urusan rasmi kerajaan, di samping bahasa Melayu. Sebenarnya, yang akan diuji dalam tempoh itu ialah bahasa Melayu, bukan bahasa Inggeris.

Parlimen akan mengkaji semula sama ada bahasa Melayu akan dapat menjadi bahasa rasmi tunggal atau sebagai bahasa untuk digunakan dalam semua urusan rasmi kerajaan, menggantikan bahasa Inggeris.

Apabila Parlimen akhirnya bersidang dalam tahun 1967 untuk membincangkan Rang Undang-Undang Bahasa, beberapa banyak badan NGO Melayu berasa terperanjat terutama berkaitan dengan masa depan bahasa Melayu.

Keputusan yang dibuat menunjukkan bahasa Inggeris masih dikekalkan dalam beberapa bidang urusan rasmi kerajaan, terutama dalam bidang kehakiman.

Keputusan lain yang dibantah ialah keputusan untuk mengeluarkan notis-notis yang dianggap melanggar semangat dasar bahasa yang asal (yang diperuntukkan dalam Fasal 152 Perlembagaan 1957).

Bantahan dan kemarahan mengenai keputusan itu telah menyebabkan sembilan orang peguam Melayu juga telah menghantar memorandum bertajuk Rang Undang-Undang Bahasa Kebangsaan 1967: Memorandum Hussein Onn.

Antara lain memorandum ini mengemukakan hujah bahawa Rang Undang-Undang Bahasa Kebangsaan yang dibentangkan di Parlimen pada waktu itu tidak menggambarkan atau tidak melaksanakan matlamat yang terkandung dalam Fasal 152 Perlembagaan, iaitu tentang status bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan.

Keengganan kerajaan menolak keputusan yang dibuat di parlimen tersebut telah menyebabkan satu perhimpunan perhimpunan besar di Balai Budaya Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP).

Ia dihadiri oleh kira-kira 1,500 orang peserta mewakili pelbagai pertubuhan, termasuk orang perseorangan, untuk membantah Rang Undang-Undang itu.

Kemudian sekumpulan aktivis bahasa Melayu mengadakan perarakan yang terkenal sebagai Perarakan Keranda 152. Mereka menuju ke kediaman Perdana Menteri, Tunku Abdul Rahman dan Parlimen untuk menghantar memorandum bantahan.

Peristiwa Keranda 152 membangkitkan kesedaran kepada banyak pihak supaya tidak memperlekehkan bahasa kebangsaan. Natijahnya, bahasa Melayu mendapat kedudukan yang lebih baik dan terjamin (sehinggalah akhir-akhir ini apabila ia semakin layu dan terpencil sekali lagi).

(dipetik dari


Anak Melayu

Panas dadamu membakar baju
Kita arak keran
da 152
Ke tanah perkuburannya Parlimen

Sepuluh tanah nafas ini terhenti
Hari ini jangan lagi menyanyi

Sebentar lagi malam akan tiba
Tiap pintu
dan jendela sudah dijaga
Bayang-bayang tidak bisa lewat jalan raya

Anak Melayu
Namamu telah diseru

Sebelum lidahmu jadi bisu


Rakyat Malaysia malas membaca?

Izinkan saya sekadar berkongsi tentang sebuah berita di Indonesia yang mengaitkan mahasiswa kita sebagai antara yang paling malas untuk membaca.

Sumber dari Indonesia:

Kebiasaan atau hobi membaca buku di kalangan mahasiswa Malaysia jauh ketinggalan dibandingkan negara lain, rata-rata hanya membaca 12 buku dalam tiga tahun pendidikan di universitas.

Wakil Menteri Pelajaran Noh Omar mengungkapkan, berdasarkan suatu kajian, jumlah buku yang dibaca oleh pelajar Australia ialah 180 buku, Indonesia 94 buku, India 130buku, Thailand 56 buku dan Brunei 26 buku, demikian harian Utusan Malaysia, Kamis, di Kuala Lumpur.

Ia mengatakan, temuan itu adalah hasil perbandingan yang dibuat oleh seorang pensyarah Jabatan Media, Universiti Malaya (UM), Dr Abu Hassan Hasbullah mengenai tabiat membaca di kalangan dosen dan mahasiswa di Malaysia.

‘Hasil kajian itu menggambarkan bahwa mahasiswa Malaysia hanya membaca empat buah buku setahun.

Itu belum termasuk hasil kajian mengenai jumlah buku yang dibeli mereka,” katanya.‘“Berdasarkan kajian itu, terungkap pula bahwa, jumlah buku yang dibeli oleh mahasiswa Malaysia hanya empat buku untuk tiga tahun pendidikan enam semester,” kata Noh.

Perbandingan dengan negara lain, jumlah buku yang dibeli oleh mahasiswa Australia ialah 160 buku, Indonesia 43 buku, Thailand 31 buku, India 75 buku dan Brunei 15 buku.

‘Satu persoalan lain yang juga menyedihkan ialah jumlah buku yang dibacaoleh dosen di Malaysia hanya sedikit lebih baik daripada pelajar itu secara rata-rata 20 buku untuk tiga tahun pengajian (enam semester), katanya.

Statistik yang diberikan meletakkan kita sebagai antara rakyat yang paling malas membaca. Hanya 4 buah buku setahun. Memalukan dan memang benar-benar malas. Mungkin ini juga di antara sebab yang menjadikan rakyat kita kurang peka dengan keadaan sekeliling. Mudah untuk diperkotak-katikkan kerana kurang berpengetahuan.

Tidak hairanlah jika ada ramai antara mahasiswa apabila ditanyakan tentang pendapat mereka mengenai hal mahupun isu yang di luar lingkup pengajian mereka, kebanyakannya akan berdiam diri. Ini akibat daripada kurangnya minat mereka untuk membaca bahan selain yang berkaitan dengan pengajian. Hal ini menjadikan kita sebagai mahasiswa yang kurang berpengetahuan luas dalam segala aspek.

Statistik di atas hanya menyebut mengenai mahasiswa dan pensyarah sahaja. Bayangkanlah apakah statistik untuk rakyat biasa yang bekerja dan pelajar sekolah. Mungkin lebih sedikit jumlah buku yang dibaca oleh mereka. Saya berpendapat bahawa tabiat membaca ini sebenarnya dapat disemai oleh ibubapa.

Kerajaan khususnya tidak lepas dari tanggungjawab bagi memastikan setiap bahan bacaan yang dipasarkan adalah berpatutan untuk semua. Selalunya buku yang diimport lebih mahal berbanding buku tempatan. Mungkin pengurangan cukai ke atas buku-buku luar negara haruslah dilaksanakan. Harga buku tempatan juga sepatutnya lebih rendah. Contohnya harga novel tempatan boleh dikurangkan dengan menggunakan kualiti kertas yang lebih ringan seperti buku-buku dari keluaran "dolphin". Tambahan pula ini akan lebih menjadikan novel terbabit lebih ringan dan senang untuk dibaca di mana-mana.

Untuk merubah tabiat rakyat Malaysia kepada tabiat suka membaca mungkin adalah agak mustahil. Tetapi saya boleh memulakan tabiat ini dari diri saya sendiri. Saya secara peribadi bukanlah begitu gemar membaca tetapi saya cuba untuk menjadikan membaca sebagai suatu aktiviti pengisi masa lapang terutamanya di musim cuti. Kebanyakan dari bahan bacaan saya merupakan novel, buku hal ehwal semasa,buku motivasi dan sebagainya.

Saya mempunyai enam buah buku untuk dihabiskan sepanjang cuti ini dengan empat antaranya adalah novel dari karya Andrea Hirata (Tetralogi Laskar Pelangi), satu buku karya Emha Ainun Nadjib (Jejak Tinju Pak Kiai) dan buku yang akan cuba saya dapatkan sekembali di Malaysia nanti ialah Saya pun Melayu karya Zaid Ibrahim.
Akhir kata, marilah memulakan tabiat membaca!

If we encounter a man of rare intellect,
we should ask him what books he reads.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

@ Wan Mastura Haji Wan Musaludin @

Episode Finale

My final exam has finished. Now, I can continue to write about the final episode of every tv series that I watched.

Let me begin with Grey's Anatomy(GA) Season 5.

Overall, I can say that I was satisfied with how it ended. With Izzie and George still have their fate hanging. Which one will end up dead? Will Izzie and George survive and still be a part of GA season 6? The end of the season 5 is the beginning of something new. Something that will keep all of us wonder what are the fate of certain important characters in the series.

The two hour episodes, by far is the best from Shonda Rhimes. I really love how she choose to twist George's character. Seriously, i couldnt tell that the man that been hit by bus was George. At least not until meredith say that "HE IS GEORGE. JOHN DOE IS GEORGE".

By the way, E! online has confirmed that TR Knight will not be the cast for season 6. So basically my assumption is that George will be the one who die.

I can't wait for season 6 to start..

PS:// I'm running out of time to keep writing as i have to pack my luggage. I'm going back to Malaysia tomorrow..I'll continue later.

@Wan Mastura Haji Wan Musaludin@


Saya tidak bercadang untuk mengulas dengan lanjut mengenai PEMILU 2009 yang berlangsung kelmarin. Dengan calon 2 yang menjuarainya. SYABAS SBY dan Boediyono!

Indonesia pada pandangan rakyat Malaysia pastilah tidak setanding dengan Malaysia dari segi kemajuannya. Namun, Indonesia sebenarnya lebih jauh ke depan dalam konsep demokrasinya. Sebelum PEMILU 2009 diadakan. 3 calon presiden dan wakil presiden telah dibenarkan di media perdana untuk berdebat dan membentangkan manifesto masing-masing.

Bayangkanlah betapa adil dan berdemokrasinya bangsa Indonesia. Debat yang diadakan berlaku dengan tenang dan setiap politikus terlihat ingin membentangkan dengan sejelas-jelasnya manifesto mereka. Lebih membanggakan ialah hampir tiada sindiran berbentuk peribadi yang dilontarkan oleh calon-calon yang berdebat.

Jelas, kebebasan media perdana di Malaysia tiada tolok banding dengan Indonesia. Kita masih berada di bawah tempurung dan tertinggal jauh daripada mereka. Pernahkah kita melihat parti pembangkang diberi peluang di media perdana di Malaysia? Pernah.. tapi bukanlah di waktu minggu berkempen untuk PRU(pilihanraya umum). Kadang-kadang saya berasa malu dengan negara sendiri yang mengaku berdemokrasi tapi dengan jelasnya mengabaikan hak asasi manusia. Bangsa kita perlu lebih berani lagi dalam mempejuangkan demokrasi. Tidakkah lebih adil jika kita dapat mendengar penjelasan dari kedua belah pihak? Rakyat berhak untuk mengakses segala informasi yang ada untuk membuat pilihan terbaik. Sebagai rakyat yang mempunyai intelektual tinggi, kita bukanlah tidak cerdik dalam menilai.

Semoga demokrasi dapat menguntum di bumi Malaysia pada suatu masa nanti..

@ Wan Mastura binti Haji Wan Musaludin @

PPSMI dari sudut pandangku


PPSMI adalah Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Dasar ini telah diwujudkan oleh TDM (Tun Dr Mahathir) pada tahun 2002. Tujuan dasar ini digubal adalah untuk memantapkan lagi penggunaan bahasa Inggeris di kalangan rakyat Malaysia.


Kerajaan telah mengambil keputusan untuk memansuhkan dasar ini secara berperingkat. sehingga tahun 2012.

Tujuan asal dasar ini dijalankan pada pendapat saya adalah tidak relevan. Bagaimanakah mutu bahasa Inggeris(BI) boleh dipertingkatkan hanya dengan mengajarkannya di dalam subjek matematik dan sains? Sedangkan Matematik itu adalah bahasa simbol. Terdapat pelbagai cara lain yang boleh dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan mutu penggunaan BI tetapi PPSMI sudah tentu bukan jawapannya.

PPSMI adalah salah satu punca kegagalan bagi ramai pelajar yang kurang menguasai BI terutamanya bagi pelajar di kampung-kampung. Mungkin mudah bagi pelajar di bandar untuk lebih memahami BI berbanding yang tinggal di kampung. Jadi adalah tidak adil bagi mereka yang kurang cekap dalam BI. Mereka akan ketinggalan sedangkan mereka berpotensi untuk lebih berjaya dalam subjek Matematik dan Sains. Saya pernah diminta untuk membantu seorang adik untuk lebih memahami matematik dan sains. Alangkah terkejut saya apabila dia memberitahu dia tidak memahami soalan matematik yang ditanya kerana dia kurang pandai/faham BI. Apabila saya cuba menerangkannya dalam bahasa Melayu barulah dia mengerti. Begitu juga untuk subjek sains. Inilah contoh kegagalan PPSMI. Seorang pelajar yang mempunyai potensi tetapi terbantut potensinya akibat dasar ini. Bayangkanlah hal ini berlaku kepada pelajar-pelajar di kampung. Mereka tidak mempunyai wang yang cukup untuk ke pusat tuisyen atau mendapatkan bantuan tambahan.

Penguasaan BI boleh dipertingkatkan dengan mengajarkan BI dengan lebih intensif dan efektif. Guru-guru lepasan luar negara yang mengambil jurusan TESL (Teaching English as Second Language) boleh diminta untuk mengajar anak-anak di pedalaman. Pendedahan media terhadap pemantapan BI adalah salah satu cara. Sewaktu saya di sekolah menengah, akhbar "The Star" telah mengambil inisiatif yang sangat baik dengan mengadakan suatu kempen BI yang sangat berkesan. Kami dikehendaki membaca akhbar tersebut pada setiap hari dan mencari kosa kata yang baru. Kalau tidak silap kempen ini dibuat selama beberapa bualan. Pada akhir kempen tersebut, pelajar yang telah menyertai kempen tersebut dengan komited akan diberi habuan sekeping Pizza Hut Personal Pan untuk setiap seorang. Saya berasa sangat teruja dengan aktiviti itu dan ia benar-benar membantu saya untuk memperbaiki BI. Apa yang diperlukan adalah usaha pembelajaran dan pengajaran BI secara efektif.

PPSMI pada umumnya memburukkan lagi mutu penguasaan bahasa melayu(BM) di kalangan pelajar. Secara kasar, masih ramai pelajar yang mempunyai penguasaan BM yang rendah. Seorang pelajar melayu belum tentu dapat menguasai BM dengan baik. Buktinya ada di sekeliling anda jika anda benar-benar memerhati. Masyarakat Malaysia umumnya gemar mencampur adukkan BM dan BI sehingga ia melemahkan penguasaaan dalam kedua-dua bahasa. Hal ini disebabkan oleh banyak faktor dan antaranya adalah kurangnya minat membaca di kalangan muda-mudi dan media massa yang banyak menggunakan bahasa rojak. Dengan pemansuhan PPSMI ini dapatlah kita kembali memartabatkan penggunaan BM di kalangan pelajar terutamanya di sekolah.

Bahasa itu jati diri bangsa. Semoga perjuangan memartabatkan BM tidak terhenti dengan sekadar pemansuhan PPSMI. Pemerkasaan BI sebagai bahasa kedua juga harus dilaksanakan dengan efektif.

Nota kaki: Penulis juga tidak begitu menguasai BM dan masih banyak yang perlu dipelajari. Harap maaf jika struktur ayat tunggang-langgang. Maklumlah penulis banyak dipengaruhi oleh bahasa Indonesia.

@ Wan Mastura Haji Wan Musaludin @

Women, you should not lie especially to your doctor! #3


THE LIE: "I use sunscreen every day."

"Along with 'I'm not tan — this is my natural skin color,' this one's at the top of the list of lies we hear all day," chuckles Bank. "We ask every patient whether they use sunscreen every day, and about 10 percent to 20 percent of the responses we get are false or exaggerated."


Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States; since 1980, the rate of melanoma (the most serious form of skin cancer) has jumped by 50 percent for women between the ages of 15 and 39, according to new research from the National Cancer Institute. If you admit you're not slathering on sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher, applied liberally to exposed areas), your doctor may schedule more frequent screenings — this way, if skin cancer does develop, it'll be caught early. Being truthful about sunscreen use can also help him decide whether to prescribe certain meds, like Retin-A for acne and wrinkles, that can make you more sensitive to the sun.


THE LIE: "I'm taking my medication the way you prescribed it."

Alicia, 31, often used her asthma inhaler up to five times a day, despite her doctor's warnings. When he noted her trembling hands and pallid face, "I swore I wasn't abusing it, because I was afraid he'd take it away," says the Orlando, FL, day-care teacher. "I didn't care about the risks as long as I could breathe."


If you tell your doctor your medication isn't working, or has side effects, he can find one that suits you better (which is what Alicia's new doc eventually did). But if you don't use it correctly, you could end up even sicker. Take a typically misused drug like a routine antibiotic: "If you lie and say you finished your antibiotics, but you're still sick, the doctor will assume the first drug didn't work," says Maurice A. Ramirez, D.O., Ph.D., an emergency-room physician at Florida Hospital-Flagler Division in Palm Coast. "So he'll change the antibiotic. Meanwhile, the bacteria become resistant to the drug we normally use, and they crank along unimpeded, and you can go from a bladder infection to a kidney inflection to a blood infection."


THE LIE: "I'm not taking any medication."

This one's told so often, doctors say, that they always dig deeper when they hear it. Sometimes it's an honest mistake: "People don't classify over-the-counter drugs like Tylenol, herbal supplements, or vitamins as medication," says Gillian Stephens, M.D., an assistant professor of community and family medicine at Saint Louis University in St. Louis. "But they are." Women also keep mum, though, when they've "borrowed" an Ambien from a friend or bought Hoodia online to lose weight.


Your doctor may adjust your dosage of a drug if he knows you're taking something else that could alter its effects. "Hearing that someone's taking ibuprofen, which is a weak blood thinner, is useful if you're adding other thinners," says John H. Alexander, M.D., a cardiologist at Duke University Medical Center. Not to mention, what he doesn't know could kill you. It's not unusual for doctors to realize that you've taken something you didn't tell them about only after they've given you another medication — and the combination has caused you to stop breathing, have a seizure, or go into cardiac arrest.


THE LIE: "I always use birth control."

"The lie I hear day after day is, 'The condom broke,'" says Millicent Comrie, M.D., vice chair of obstetrics and gynecology at Long Island College Hospital in Brooklyn, NY. "Women often say that when they get pregnant by accident and don't want to admit that they didn't use a condom." Sound familiar? How about this: "Women fudge the truth about whether they put their diaphragms in or took them out and whether they take their pills every day at the same time," says Bruce Rosenzweig, M.D., director of urogynecology at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. "They're embarrassed because they know they should be able to handle these things."

There are tons of contraception options out there these days. If you fess up to messing up with birth control, your gyno can suggest one that might suit you better. "If you hate to swallow pills, you have oily skin and the patch keeps falling off, or the ring comes out when your partner pulls out, I can give you something else," says Rosenzweig. "But if you don't tell me, I can't make the appropriate recommendations."

Coming clean with your doctor only stands to help you in the long run, as difficult as it may be in the moment. So answer her questions honestly — and even bring up issues that she may be forgetting to ask about. When it comes to your health, there's no such thing as TMI.

Women, you should not lie especially to your doctor! #1
Women, you should not lie especially to your doctor! #2

Part of being a medical doctor-to-be

I don't know why is it hard to become a doctor. It require a lot of passion and a very high motivation to get through the journey. Medical profession is not just a profession. It is more than that. For me, it is the state of mind. You either want to be in it or you want to get off it.

I am just a 3rd year medical student, but still that does not eliminate me from the stress it brings. I always worried about my performance, in terms in knowledge and the capability. Could I be a good doctor? Or the best doctor? The pressure so intense that I couldn't sleep. Sleep deprivation is the main symptom that frequently manifest during my exam week. Tomorrow is the OB/GYN paper. and i'm not sure whether i could answer excellently for that paper. Aish....2 more cups of coffee will make me stay awake through the night. I still need to pick up some more readings. I'll fight hard for this paper.

God, is this the path that I have chosen?


Blood typing and personality is well known in the far east countries. It is just like the horoscope in the western countries. These are the blood type and the personality traits. I am an AB. What's yours?

Type A: The Dreaming Romantic
Sensitive person. You’re easy to be hurt from even a small matter and you are unnecessarily sensitive. You think in your way, interpret, and misunderstand. But hiding your own thought, you look like a nice person considering others and take care of your surroundings. You like the romantic mood, forget reality, and are indulged in fantastic world. Unexpectedly, you are a stubborn perfectionist…

Type A: The Farmer
Speaking broadly, it is said that people with Type A Blood are calm, composed, levelheaded, and very serious. They have a firm character, and are reliable, trustworthy, and hardheaded. They are shy, introverted perfectionists. They are considerate to others and don’t easily lie. They are loyal to friends and coworkers. They can be secretive, though, and don’t often share their feelings. They try to suppress their own emotions, and because they have continual practice in doing this, they appear strong, when, in actuality, they have a fragile, nervous side, as well. They tend to be hard on people who are not of the same type, and consequently, tend to be surrounded with people of the same temperament. They also don’t hold their liquor well. Type A’s are the most artistic of the groups. They can be shy, cautious, conscientious, reliable, trustworthy, and sensitive. They can also be overcautious, picky, arrogant, and reckless when drunk.

Tend to be cooperative, sensitive, clever, passionate and smart. Often bottling up anxiety in order to get along with others, they may hold in their emotions until they explode. Many are tense, impatient and unable to sleep well. While they are capable of leadership positions, they may not take them because the stress is not good for their tightly wired systems.

Common career choices: accountant, librarian, economist, writer, computer programmer, and gossip columnist.

Type B: Enjoyable Optimist
Optimist who enjoys life. You can even laugh facing your failure. Having a romantic tendency, you sometimes have thoughts distant from reality. But if you enjoy liberal life way too much, you might make enemies unexpectedly. You should change your easy-to-give-up personality.
You should think over whether you give up way too fast…

Type B: The Hunter
People with Type B Blood are curious everything. That may be good, but they also tend to have too many interests and hobbies. They tend to get excited about something suddenly only to drop it again just as quickly. They seem to manage to know which of their many interests or loved ones are truly the most important. B Types tend to excel in things rather than just be average, but they tend to be so involved in their own world that they neglect other things. They have independent spirits with strong personalities. They have the image of being bright and cheerful, full of energy and enthusiasm, but some people think that they are really quite different on the inside. They also don’t really want to have much personal contact with others. While they don’t care what others think of them. They are extremely passionate about the things they hold dear. Type B’s are the individualists of the blood group categories and find their own way in life. Type B personalities can be curious, bright, cheerful, enthusiastic, independent, sensitive, and unpredictable. They can also be superficial, unreliable, selfish, unpredictable, indiscreet, lazy, and impatient.

Tend to be balanced: thoughtful like A's and yet ambitious like O's. They are empathetic, easily understanding others' points of view, yet often hesitating to challenge or confront. Chameleon-like and flexible, they make good friends.

Common career choices: cook, hairdresser, military leader, talk show host, and journalist.

Type O: Leadership filled with confidence
You have a bright personality and lead others well. Your kind personality doesn’t let you leave people in trouble. You want to make your life dramatic, so people around you might not be so comfortable. Don’t forget there is happiness in ordinary life. You are proud of yourself and don’t like other people’s interruption. You would like to live in your own way, but over-confidence might return to you as a poison. When you fail you will feel in a slump due to your confidence. Take it easy and don’t forget even you might fail.

Type O: The Warrior
Type-O people are outgoing, expressive, and passionate. They are highly motivated, natural leaders. Blessed with a strong physical presence, they aren’t afraid to gamble because they are so convinced they’ll win. Type O Blood people are said to set the mood for a group and to take on the role of creating harmony among its members. Their image is one of being peaceful and carefree. They are also thought to be big-hearted and benevolent, and they tend to spend money on others generously.They are natural athletes. They tend to be obsessive in their quest for success, and this can make them boring to others. Type O’s are outgoing, and very social. They are initiators, although they don’t always finish what they start. They appear to be levelheaded and trustworthy, but they often slip and make big blunders inadvertently. That is also the what makes O Types lovable. Creative and popular, they love to be the center of attention and appear very self confident. Type 0 personalities can be carefree, generous, independent, flexible, idealistic, goal-oriented, athletic, competitive, and adaptable. They can also be clumsy, flighty, jealous, greedy, unreliable, obsessive lover, vain loudmouths.

Tend to be loners or leaders and are intuitive, focused, self-reliant and daring. They handle stress better than other blood types and have strong immune systems, a well developed physique and a physically active nature.

Common career choices: banker, politician, gambler, minister, investment broker, and pro athlete.

Type AB: Consistency with your patience and concentration.
With your strong patience and concentration, you can do anything. You can back up to let work go smoothly and easily when you are involved with projects with others. Being interested in politics and environment, you are full of intelligence. You make others who don’t know as much as you do look foolish and show an authoritative attitude. Don’t look down on others. Remember you should respect others’ values and the ways they live.

Type AB: The Humanist
Type-AB people are an unpredictable, distant lot, but tend to use their heads over their hearts. They are good with money. Type AB’s are the split personalities of the blood groups. They are considerate of other people’s feelings and deal with them with care and caution. On the other hand, though, they are strict with themselves and those close to them. They, therefore, seem to have two personalities: one for those “outside,” and another for people on the “inside.” They often become sentimental, and they tend to think too deeply about things. AB Types have a lot of friends, but they need time to be alone and think things through, as well. They can be both outgoing and shy, confident and timid. While responsible, too much responsibility will cause a problem. They are trustworthy and like to help others. Type AB personalities can be sensitive, considerate, careful, and efficient. They can also be strict, moody, easily offended, critical, and standoffish.

Tend to be very charming and popular. They don't sweat the small stuff and can be seen as spiritual and even at times a bit "flaky". Only about 2 - 5% of the population are blood type AB. There is never a dull moment in a AB's life, so if you find one for a friend, consider yourself lucky! Youll enjoy some exciting times together! Sometimes it is difficult to be an AB. AB's don't like to fit in anyone else's "boxes". If they feel too confined, they'll break out of that box and do things their own way.

Common career choices: bartender, lawyer, teacher, sales representative, and social worker.

Romantic Compatibility by Blood Groups:
A is most compatible with A and AB

B is most compatible with B and AB

O is most compatible with O, and AB

AB is most compatible with AB, A, B and O

The Personality Test

Come on readers. Take the test and enjoy it here (

And here is mine...

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:

You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

Women, you should not lie especially to your doctor! #2


THE LIE: "I'm monogamous."

Cheryl, 48, went to see her gyno for what she thought was a yeast infection — and was shocked to learn she actually had trichomoniasis, an STD. She didn't want to admit she was juggling four guys, so when the doctor asked how many partners she had, "I said one, of course," recalls the accountant from Knoxville, TN. The doctor gave Cheryl enough medication for her and her partner. But Cheryl kept seeing the other guys too. "I went back for my checkup, and my gyno says, 'You still have this. You haven't told me the whole truth, have you?' I said, 'Yes, I have.' She didn't want to call me a liar, but she said, 'You have to treat everyone you're seeing, or quit seeing the ones you don't want and treat the one you do. Otherwise, you'll never get rid of this.'" Cheryl dumped the other guys and continued treatment with her main man. "But afterward, I changed doctors," she admits. "I couldn't face her anymore."

Your doctor doesn't ask about your sex life to judge your morals. What does concern her is that sleeping with more than one person may increase your risk for STDs. Delayed STD treatment can mean a more entrenched pelvic infection, fertility problems — even cervical cancer. "If your gyno knows you have several partners, she may recommend you have an annual Pap test and get screened more frequently for STDs," says Dimino.

THE LIE: "I watch what I eat and exercise."

"I have patients who swear they're exercising and sticking to the calorie count," says Bonnie Davis, an advanced registered nurse practitioner in Largo, FL, who helps administer a weight-management program. "Yet they've put on 5 pounds while taking an appetite suppressant three times a day. That's impossible."

Meredith, 26, sticks with the purposely vague "sometimes" when asked how often she exercises. "I wouldn't feel right saying 'regularly,'" says the writer from Forest Hills, NY. "But when I say, 'Sometimes,' I consider that I walk to the subway every day, and if I'm not wearing heels, I walk fairly briskly." In other words, she's not lying outright — just bending the truth enough to spare herself the inevitable lecture. "I know that losing 10 pounds could lower my risk for heart disease and diabetes, and diabetes does run in my family," Meredith says. "But I don't want to hear it. I'd rather doctors think that I take it seriously than give them the opportunity to tell me what I already know but still am not paying attention to."

If your blood pressure and cholesterol are high or y
ou're borderline diabetic — all factors that can boost your risk for cardiovascular disease — diet and exercise can help, which is why your doctor asks about them. But if you're not really making either lifestyle change and your numbers don't get lower, your doc may put you through a battery of pricey medical tests and/or prescribe a range of medications to lower them for you. And while taking a pill may sound easier than counting calories and hitting the gym, it actually "opens up a Pandora's box of inconvenience," says Nora Tossounian, M.D., an internist at the Women's Health Center at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey. Start with the nuisance of remembering to take medication once or twice a day; add to that the high cost of those meds. Then there are the side effects: muscle aches on statins; bloating, cramping, and diarrhea on diabetes medications; a plunging sex drive with certain blood pressure drugs. The truth hurts less.

THE LIE: "I don't smoke"

When Pamela Douglas, M.D., a cardiologist at Duk
e University Medical Center in Durham, NC, asks women if they smoke, she often hears a little moment of hesitation before they say no. "They believe you need to smoke two packs a day to be at risk," she explains. "They say they don't smoke them all the way down or they're not really inhaling. If they've only been smoking a year or two or they don't smoke every day, they think they're not really smokers."


Reality check: If you light up, even if it's only one on the weekends, even if you just bum a drag from your friend, you smoke. Beyond an increased risk for sinus and upper respiratory infections, emphysema, cardiovascular disease, and, yes, lung cancer, lighting up — even occasionally — raises your risk for blood clots and stroke if you're also using hormone-based contraceptives (pills, patches, rings). "If there's a pause when I ask them if they smoke and they say, 'No' or 'Maybe once a month,' I'm hesitant to give that woman a prescription for the Pill" to help clear up her skin, says David Bank, M.D., medical director of the Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic and Laser Surgery in Mount Kisco, NY. Tell the truth so you and your doc can figure out a safe option together.

to be continued..

Television Series

This semester my class was not all pack and I have plenty of free time to spend it in something less important like watching tv series/drama. My friend's, Sri and Aina are definitely the very hardworking girl when it comes to downloading files (but they also comitted to their medical things..hehe). So basically i got to watch a lot of drama because of their effort. These are the tv series i've been following:

All of these series have come to the end of its season. I'll write the overall review about the whole season and how I like the plot to be liked in the next season. Until then, bye.

@ Wan Mastura Haji Wan Musaludin @



May Allah bless you with joy and happiness;

The bright and shining future;

May he be a great son and a great servant to Allah;

The strength to stand to the truth;

The courage to face obstacles in life.

May he become a wise man :) InsyaAllah.

25th May 2001-25th May 2009

(8 year-old)


Dari mata turun ke hati

Kisah yang bakal aku ceritakan ini berlaku kira-kira dua bulan yang lalu. Ketika itu aku dalam perjalanan pulang dari rumah tamu di universitas aku bersama dengan seorang teman satu kost(rumah yang mempunyai bilik sewa yang banyak).

Dalam perjalanan, dari jauh aku dapat melihat tiga orang kanak-kanak dengan pakaian seragam sekolah yang comot. Dua orang budak perempuan dan seorang lelaki. Budak perempuan itu sedang menggendong adik perempuan yang berusia sekitar 1 tahun dan memimpin tangan adik lelakinya yang berusia kira-kira 4 tahun.
Gambar 1: Pengemis di Indonesia

Aku cuma memandang mereka dari jauh kerana sememangnya kami berjalan agak jauh dari mereka. Sedang aku asyik memerhatikan mereka, entah bagaimana si budak perempuan itu tadi tergelincir dan menyebabkan dia dan bayi tadi itu terjatuh ke dalam longkang.
"Astaghfirullah.." jerit aku. Kawanku juga terperanjat. Beberapa orang "pak guard" yang berhampiran dengan mereka menerkam untuk menolong. Mujurlah ada yang membantu.

Apabila aku semakin menghampiri mereka. Barulah aku mengerti siapa mereka sebenarnya.
"Oh, peminta sedekah rupanya," bisikku perlahan. Patutlah merayau-rayau tanpa mak dan ayah. Baju yang mereka sarungkan itu adalah seragam sekolah yang telah buruk dan compang camping. Terharu benar aku melihat keadaan mereka. Tapi apakan daya sudah nasib mereka begitu. Digunakan untuk meraih simpati bagi mendapatkan hasil.

Ramai kanak-kanak di Indonesia yang menjadi mangsa kepada kezaliman ibu bapa mereka sendiri. Mereka dijadikan peminta sedekah. Walhal yang memperoleh keuntungan itu bukannya mereka tetapi orang tua mereka. Tidak kurang juga ada di antara bayi yang disewa kepada peminta sedekah untuk dijadikan objek simpati agar memperoleh sedekah yang lebih banyak. Alangkah kejam ibu bapa mereka. Anak yang masih kecil dan tidak mengerti apa-apa itu diperlakukan sedemikian rupa.

Aku teringat akan kata-kata Pak Chusnul Fathoni (dosen National Ideology ku).
" Kalaulah anak-anak yang dijadikan pengamen itu bisa berpikir dan protes, tentu saja udah lama orang tuanya dipenjara kerna jelas mereka melanggar HAM (Hak Asasi Manusia). Koq masa anak-anak yang tidak mengerti apa-apa itu disuruh kerja. Berdiri di tengah perempatan lagi. Sama asap mobil yang jelas bahaya. Terus kalau ditabrak gi mana".

Benar kata-kata beliau. Semuanya bisa diperkatakan di negara Indonesia ini. Namun, yang menjadi permasalahannya ialah perlaksanaan yang hampir mustahil dilakukan secara menyeluruh.
Memang mempergunakan kanak-kanak itu melanggar HAM tapi persoalan pangkalnya terletak pada pelanggaran HAM yang menyatakan bahawa setiap rakyat Indonesia itu berhak untuk hidup dan mempertahankan hidup. Perlanggaran HAM yang sebenar adalah oleh pemerintah yang mengamalkan KKN (korupsi, kolusi, nepotisme). Pemimpin menikmati hasil dan sedangkan rakyat menderita. Jurang ekonomi yang sangat luas dapat terlihat di sini.
Pernah aku melihat, seorang pak cik memunggah sampah semata-mata untuk mencari sisa-sisa makanan yang dibuang. Itulah survival seorang pengemis.

Berbalik kepada kanak-kanak yang dipaksa mengemis itu tadi, aku terkilan kerana kanak-kanak tidak seharusnya memikul beban untuk mencari rezeki. Mereka berhak menikmati kehidupan. Menikmati masa muda tanpa beban di bahu. Alangkah kasihan mereka.

Peristiwa pada hari itu membuatkan aku benar-benar insaf dan sedar. Betapa selama ini aku mendapat nikmat yang banyak, namun tidak pernah menyedarinya dan lupa untuk bersyukur.

Gambar 2: Anak buah tersayang

Benar.. Dari mata turun ke hati. Aku melihat dan hatiku tersentuh. Tidak dapat aku bayangkan sekiranya anak buah aku terpaksa berada dalam keadaan sebegitu.

@ Wan Mastura Haji Wan Musaludin @

Women, you should not lie especially to your doctor!

I love to surf through the internet and I bumped to this very interesting article. How a women always lie to get through life. Sometimes we lie to get through from getting the ticket. Lie to our parents and maybe to our partners but we merely forget that we should never lie to this a very one person; our doctor. This article ruled out the stupid lies women usually made when they visit their physician and the writer clearly states why lying to a doctor is the biggest sin you could ever commit, especially to yourself.

By Norine Dworkin-McDaniel

THE LIE: "Of course I floss!"
"When I was in practice, I heard this lie every day," laughs Paula Jones, D.D.S., now president of the Academy of General Dentistry. "I'd ask, 'How often?'" And the truth would start to come out. "They'd say, 'Oh, a couple of times a week' or 'I only do this one tooth where food gets caught."


Neglecting to floss leads directly to tooth decay, gum inflammation, and gum disease — and a growing body of research suggests that gum disease may contribute to cardiovascular disease. Some studies also suggest a link between gum disease and a life-threatening pregnancy complication called preeclampsia. If you cop to being a non-flosser, your dentist can make doubly sure to watch for and help you prevent these dangerous conditions.

THE LIE: "I've never had an STD."
"Many women are embarrassed about having had a sexually transmitted disease," says Dimino. Jessica, 37, never let on that she'd had chlamydia and HPV in college because she was afraid she'd be denied health insurance when setting up her own business. But she also believed it wasn't anyone else's affair. "My feeling was: That was then; it's taken care of, so they don't need to know," says the Littleton, CO, Web designer.


The ghosts of STDs past can come back to haunt you later. Hiding that you had HPV may put you at higher risk for cervical cancer if your gyno doesn't think you need annual Pap tests. Keeping quiet may also put you at risk for pregnancy complications. For instance, if your doctor knows you've had gonorrhea or chlamydia — especially if you also developed pelvic inflammatory disease — she'll watch more carefully for ectopic pregnancy, since both can scar the fallopian tubes, preventing a fertilized egg from reaching the uterus. And telling your ob that you have genital herpes when you're pregnant may help you avoid a predelivery flare-up — and a C-section as a result. "If you tell me you have it, even if your last flare-up was ages ago, I can put you on medication to suppress an outbreak before delivery," says Dimino.


THE LIE: "I'm not a big drinker."

martini_glass_liesDoctors have an unspoken rule: Whatever you tell them you drink, they double it. "Lots of women claim, 'I drink once a week,'" says Rakhi Dimino, M.D., an ob/gyn at the Woman's Hospital of Texas in Houston. "But then they drink six or seven cocktails in an evening."

"I always lie about drinking," admits Amanda, 33, an entertainment coordinator from Orlando, FL. "My doctor prescribed me the antidepressant Zoloft and told me not to drink any alcohol while taking it. Then I went to a wine tasting and drank anyway." That night, she awoke in a cold sweat with heart palpitations. "At the emergency room, the doctor asked me which drugs I was on. When I said Zoloft, he asked if I'd taken any drugs or drunk any alcohol. I flat-out lied and said that I'd had not a drop."

The ER staff tried to sleuth out what else could be making Amanda ill; then her blood alcohol test came back. "The doctor said, 'The test shows you've been drinking, and this is a common reaction with Zoloft and alcohol.' He told me that I would have saved a lot of time and money if I'd been honest. I didn't say a thing. I just wanted to get out of there with my tail between my legs."


Drug and alcohol interactions are very common. If your doctor knows that you imbibe, even a little, she can prescribe meds that won't mix badly with a glass of wine. She can also counsel you on alcohol's risks for women. For starters, having one to two drinks a day can raise your risk for breast cancer; heavy consumption is linked to liver disease, brain damage, and stroke and can put you at risk for assault and car accidents.

Concealing what you drink may signal another disease: "Denial is part of addiction," says Brenda Iliff, clinical director of Hazelden Women's Recovery Center in Center City, MN.

To be continued..

TRANSFORMERS: Revenge of The Fallen

I felt in love with The Transformers since the 1st movie was out in 2007. A friend of mine insist me to watch the movie and we watched it together. I love the movie so much. Now, I can't just get enough of it and can't wait for the premier of the second movie!!!

So for the Transformers die hard fans. This is the trailer and the synopsis.



The battle for Earth has ended but the battle for the universe has just begun. After returning to Cybertron, Starscream assumes command of the Decepticons, and has decided to return to Earth with force. The Autobots believing that peace was possible finds out that Megatron's dead body has been stolen from the US Military by Skorpinox and revives him using his own spark. Now Megatron is back seeking revenge and with Starscream and more Decepticon reinforcements on the way, the Autobots with reinforcements of their own, may have more to deal with then meets the eye.